Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (June 20th 2024) clues of The Independent Quick crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 30 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

Fun fellow quietly put down herbal tea
Fire on plane when phosphorus leaks from unopened backpack
Tropical tree needs roughly twice what we need to breathe
Nasty red wine keeps con warmer at night
International footballer Lionel Messi not entirely removing tree
Class hurried back after cup match
Discourage crazy reverse parking
Bishop travels on, forced to listen to attendant
Bronze age tin surprisingly left off the main agenda
Leave house less regularly
Strong wind ruptured flap
Local lane close to Bagshot with five couples on it
Teas organised before horse's treat after hunt
Try to hurry endless idiotic speech
Yankee drone crashed over there
Novel furniture for the boudoir collected by a noblewoman
The best energy-saving light given longer life
Compère party in Cape Town with husband on arm dancing
A couple of rounds after mass, Irish priest suggested
Valuable items found no doubt during jolly ramble
Potter a guaranteed success claims novelist
Nut is article full of goodness
Blood type: bloody
Princess with blue Aston Martin and diamonds far from privileged
Clue for cat that's overdue?
Pound for one beer starts to see excited language at the bar
Young child crying, throwing a wobbly
True crime podcast's visionary
Election candidate confused Dimbleby, by withdrawing
Baker's proved nothing in boulangerie contains sulphur