Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (January 24th 2022) clues of The Independent Quick crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 30 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

Society man joining elite closer to wine?
Shared on line: season almost over
Conservative in Sofia spinning debacle
Interim football manager called 'The Devil'
No information, doctor admitted, on a hormone
Go-slow endless in grotesque style
Camelot woman some drunken idiot
Rutland fossil reanimated so a danger
Scandal: Tories for example shown exit?
See 21 Down
Sunak needing this short article on good argument
Attacked: enjoyed festive booze-up without wife
Drink one to limit bone disease
Church empties, vacated, Queen brought in? Here's to it!
Mrs Jack Brooksbank not one for Ionesco?
Artificial organ composer Tees heard
A representative leaving mushroom and bun
Film duck eating seconds in Scots town
Host runs out in skimpy knickers
Fierce sort from country seen in pub area
When sloshed emerge in a confused crowd
Ecstasy dropped into the wine as principle?
Lots here getting something done about upper-class
Instruction from shooter perhaps at Caerphilly?
Sozzled, sneak swig showing lack of coordination
Vulgarian censure overturned? Say pub closed early
Astonishing answer on issue about unknown elected
16 Across investigator argues poorly: Tory ultimately supporting
With partying, what was guzzled? Conceal disreputable affair
Bones in bag next to top drawer?

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