Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (April 23rd 2024) clues of The Independent Quick crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 31 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

Nose traveller follows back from India
Relative starts to do elegant swan impression
Pastry Lee Mack shortly demolished, bit by bit
Flat ceramic includes date mark in Spanish
Jump on ice that hurts after jarring clash
Staggered by 16A and D
Design unfinished and home undecorated
Builder who's 27 29 when the job's done
Child pally with old Mr Banks
Curving flight of e.g. fly cut in half - what keeps it up?
Barefooted South African agreed to make friends
Meal with different side for you to take out
Disastrous attempt at 16A 17 19 falling flat
Still 19, just one away from 18
Parents' friend has name in cryptic clue
16A old man's holding up map the wrong way round
A famous 17, 17, 17 film with Sandra Bullock
Secretary left without the FT is livid
What you 17 for is relevant, bar one
New dustmen are not sorted by academic ability
Swap last pair then middle pair of 3, ringing changes
Person using ticket in response to offer
Secret internet - we'd be crazy keeping record
Jointly take bananas to lost property?
Miniature portrait of Victoria, 12 for a 17?
No trouble taking 50 away from 16A + 19
Decadent place has honey left over
Try British league and French cup
Quickly deflate favourite doll
Central section of Lexington Avenue
A typical year, banking bonus regularly