Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (April 12th 2024) clues of The Independent Quick crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 32 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

Fine short facial hair in an instant
Feel nostalgic about 60s fashions and the Church
Astronomical phenomenon in two types of gold, one captured by artist
Film director not supporting consuming pungent vegetable
Henry, entering American joints, wanders vacantly
Laxative … and opens bowels at last, after treatment
A fortune’s laid out to make classic film
Clear word for ‘idiots’ turning up in dictionary
Two-tone dessert, plainly presented
River scavenger, lad at work in darkness
Shock viewpoint expressed by Judge
Very precise about hydrogen for specialists
Blend gallons into lake
Orchestral player promptly in support, taking little time
Corporation’s papers given inflated appearance
Island car ran again after repair
Unsettle routine activities in attempt to rise
Security measure: company’s installed genuine article
Like some jokes, avoiding repetition, but weak
Activity producing nothing after a day
Amend bit of text without much force
Seduced German and Italian dames at the outset
Leading American kept hoarding energy
Incline to release large bird
When 100 cities sprawled, millions would show self-denial
Without a winner? New raffle needed up front
Soccer side, London one, second to take lead, one dealing heavy blow
Battle site, area that’s imperfect, surrounded by ebbing African river
Claim to know who ? Pardon me if doubtful
Problem to the rear? Hurry round rear of van
English fat guy coming round, showing neglect
Commentary overlooking grand defeat