Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (August 29th 2021) clues of The Guardian Speedy crossword.
Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 26 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.
Reveal unwelcome secrets; expose (4,3,3,3) |
Protein? (anag) (7) |
Capable of being corrupted; mercenary (5) |
Bound; lollop (4) |
City south of Paris with a distinctive Gothic cathedral (8) |
Dormant; passive (6) |
Regarding this point; to this place (6) |
Not suitable as food; uneatable (8) |
Shoe strengthener; beat soundly (4) |
Fertiliser from the waste of seabirds (5) |
Clothing; garb (7) |
Protected from danger (3,2,5,3) |
Impudent or insolent rejoinder; edge (3) |
Flat broad limb of aquatic animals (7) |
Pari-mutuel, for example; kind of bag (4) |
Coarse; near the knuckle (6) |
Upside-down; inside-out (8) |
Proprietor; landlord (5) |
Fail; not come up to standard (4,5) |
Making redundant; liberating (7,2) |
Agree; get on well with (3,2,3) |
<span>Common name of the </span><i>supercilium</i> (7) |
Mountain beast of burden (6) |
Lift up; glorify (5) |
World War II 'luncheon meat'; now techno-junk (4) |
Arable land put down to grass; pasture(land) (3) |