Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (September 19th 2011) clues of The Guardian Quiptic crossword.
Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 30 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.
Quiet part of Spain is ideal (7) |
Liaison causes concern (6) |
About to dawdle around second walkway (8) |
Recover damaged produce, losing heart (6) |
Mad with passion for pyrotechnics (12) |
Working at the Commons, say, for free (2,3,5) |
Bed without a cover (3) |
Bird cry not heard initially (3) |
Cricketer gets support from PR person (3-7) |
High rise close to last building (5,2,5) |
Dirt road going in our direction (6) |
Union hit back with anger, one admitted (8) |
Slip up and get commission (6) |
Wrecked cabin after design rejected (7) |
Prepare to leave the dogs (4) |
Tie up living space (4) |
Spread rumours of foreign spies during follow up (8) |
Pleasant to entertain English relative (5) |
Intense fire devastated church (6) |
Teenager goes without benefit rise (10) |
Collection of bad prose by one right winger (10) |
Unfinished snack is a problem (6) |
Risk all when shattered following attack (2,3,5) |
Tough demand from on high (4,6) |
Single on holiday? It won’t happen again (3-3) |
Women’s group tries to shake off a hanger-on (8) |
When series is based on endless satire it goes downhill (3,3) |
Most insignificant point in final (5) |
Do make an impact (4) |
People died getting fix (4) |