Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (April 17th 2011) clues of The Guardian Everyman crossword.
Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 28 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.
Cover bovine? Bull, at last (4) |
Female holding up a train? (10) |
Lengthen lease, in writing (3,4) |
Parted company in Croatian port towards the north (5,2) |
Sweet foreign kid hurt his leg on end of slat (7,7) |
Has words, upset about first of our promotional tours (9) |
A new member backing backer (5) |
Girl in aquarelle, nineteen (5) |
Candlemakers caught coaches (9) |
One could be blue! (4-6,4) |
Cans provided by top teacher with group (7) |
Odd pint with her in a Cumbrian town (7) |
Talk to girl and mistress of a fashionable household (10) |
Photograph taken on the spur of the moment (4) |
Method of treating drug addiction in chilly country (4,6) |
Force used after breaking barrier (9) |
Book missing from office in hacienda (5) |
Indigestion, said Pepys, suffering (9) |
Nervously bind a new book (6,3,5) |
I may appear straight after this character (5) |
Illegal drugs information (4) |
Literary hero of Hood's on erratic course? (8,6) |
Stopped up to inform on just union members here (6,4) |
Band playing Ireland, say (9) |
Old brotherhood member getting angrier, distraught about shot (9) |
Some up from part of Utah, a Mormon city (5) |
Simple goal, mine at home (3-2) |
Stylish young woman? Not quite (4) |