Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (March 16th 2018) clues of The Guardian Cryptic crossword.
Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 33 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.
See 15 |
Volume on speaker for siren (4) |
Radical Winehouse left (4) |
Provided a hit TV drama — one like this? (4,5) |
Playing seconds from Johnny Cash: Cry! Cry! Cry! (4) |
Go up, ignoring first branch (4) |
Work in pieces — big one breaking microphone (6) |
Amazing Aldi's equal for food (10) |
Graft in turning around company — advanced without union (9) |
Girls with large bums in America (6) |
Women, entering to perform main vocal part, avoid work (5,3,4) |
Ring of Fire's on a television (8) |
Cash's part of band? (5) |
Key passage on the radio (4) |
Mixing short Cash record — round record? (9) |
Avoids working with society rejects (8) |
Sod all CDs interlaced with American and English covers (7) |
Old artist mostly upset (4) |
Instrument from a record hidden at either end? (7) |
Releases Father and Son around Spain twice (5) |
Hire cycles and frame (5) |
Bribe Johnny Cash (10,5) |
Tours' way? Currency brought back (3) |
Recorded piece of music has depth (5) |
Start playing songs for concert (5) |
Part of Man in Black stood out, as a collector (8) |
Popeye's tip: his can supply contains it? (7) |
Note: one takes the late train (8) |
See 10 |
Work in which musical? (3,3) |
Big name taking British pop group right to US music producer (9) |
Turned out European heartlessly named girl inside (6) |
Took paper again, turning over to reveal a shocker (5) |