Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (August 22nd 2019) clues of The Guardian Cryptic crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 32 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

So-called rubbish artist (5)
Barking, mog admits arrogance (9)
Where American car may be a great deal below average, man! (7,3)
Warmer on entering flat in south- central England? (9)
In the end, provocative footwear used, oddly, for pastoral work (7)
Old Czech dissident, keep left (5)
See 26
Is card between pair of diamonds swell? (7)
When twin has dropped in, visiting house, passing comment (4,5)
Politician dismissing case of rabble (4)
See 24
Where test may be good after racket covered up by politician (10)
Point penned by editor in politician's comic (3,6)
Star reversing in luggage van (4)
Beside fire, quivering with anticipation (7)
A blunder with fee almost embarrassed — to be paid back (10)
Sprinkles powder on tidied hair, both at the back and fringes (7)
Not believing when a jerk admits crime (9)
Politician serving suggestion with eggs, reportedly? (7)
Sweet thing, a Scot unfortunately beset by wind (9)
Self-pitying politician, finally removed (7)
Politician's baby (7)
Sinister character I back (4)
Island where politician arrived without me (7)
Before getting squeezed round back of cupboard, leaning to one side (10)
A pain going uphill, plod (5)
Other art, I suspect, is rougher (9)
Europeans dressed up in lederhosen, a disaster (5)
Politician 18 hit once (5,5)
Top always top in dominant European country (4,5)
County politician ousts king (5)
Awkward without 18? (9)