It may help catch a fugitive |
It's low for gas guzzlers: Abbr |
J.Lo's birthplace |
Jet crew, briefly |
Jib, e.g |
John Candy's old comedy program |
Jokester |
Jump on ice |
Like Advil or Aleve: Abbr |
Like Brando's Don Corleone |
Like gathering storm clouds |
Line at the Louvre |
Lose everything |
Loud beast heard in theaters |
Medicinal qty |
Member of the music industry's former Big Four |
Member of the old Chero-Cola product line |
Monitor setting, for short |
More pink, perhaps |
Motor with some muscle |
Mount Zion's land: Abbr |
Nick of 'Lorenzo's Oil' |
No-holds-barred |
Not so great |
Nutritional info |
Of two minds |
One turning to the right |
Paint variety |
Part of a Napa Valley tour |
Photogs' choices |
Places for studs |
Prefix with cycle |
Pump up |
Put away for safekeeping |
Quick time-out |
Radius, e.g |
Rest stop |
Retired govt. agent |
Robed performer |
Roughhousing |
Rural call |
Scratch, say |
Scream at a ring |
See 16-Down |
Seed casing |
Serengeti prey |
Shot caller |
Siren, say |
So over |
Something dirty kept in a cell? |
Something LOL-worthy |
Sponsorships |
Spring river breakup |
Stoop |
Stuff in sacks |
Sub side, maybe |
Suffix with peace |
Teen headache |
They're 18 to 21 |
Things for here and now |
Thrive |
Touching words? |
Type-A friend from 'Friends' |
Union leader? |
Water, wryly |
Whack-___ |
What an iPod plays in |
What one might go for a spin in? |
With 58-Down, a patient process? ... or a hint to two consecutive letters in the answer to each of the seven starred clues |
You might get stuck with them |
___ and Thummim (sacred Judaic objects) |
___ de la Société |
'Admit it!' |
'Bleah!' |
'Kid-tested' breakfast cereal |
'Clueless' and 'Bridget Jones's Diary' |
'Chop-chop!' |
'Good heavens!' |
'Need ___?' (query to hitchhikers) |
'Nothing seems to go my way' |
'Revenge R Us' author |
'Seinfeld' cohort |
'That may be true, but ...' |
'The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind,' per H. P. Lovecraft |
'The ___ Project' (Fox comedy) |
'Too rich for me' |
'___ good cheer!' |
*Annual draw for snocross fans |
*Founder of Marvel's School for Gifted Youngsters |
*Frequent problem faced by algebra students |
*He bested Leonidas at Thermopylae |
*Horror flick starring Humphrey Bogart as a mad scientist, with 'The' |
*Iconic feature of comedy |
*Off-roader, often |
1965 R&B #1 song with the repeated lyric 'Can't you see that I'm lonely?' |
50/50 |
A street drug, briefly |
Air |
Any 'cha' in the cha-cha-cha |
Balloon |
Bamboozled |
Baron's blade |
Bent beam |
Bit of love talk |
Biting remark? |
Bomb shelter? |
Book after Galatians: Abbr |
Canadian coin named for a bird |
Certain bean |
Chichi getaway |
Close up |
Club |
Co. making arrangements |
Complain, complain, complain |
Country buggy |
Couples |
Cousin of a gazelle |
D.D.E. challenger |
Danger for Indiana Jones |
Dashed ID |
Disappear, as a trail |
Doesn't bring up |
Drag |
Drink with two lizards in its logo |
Dutch wheels |
Eject, as froth |
Flying fisher |
Gently floats |
Give one's O.K |
Glassfuls in restaurantes |
Google datum |
Got back to, in a way |
Hair-razing stuff? |
Have second thoughts about |
Home to King Harald V |
How lines of latitude run |
Hugs and kisses, at times |
In hot water? |
It can be prickly |