Corkscrew pasta |
They might eliminate teams … with or without the shaded letter |
2013 Sheryl Sandberg best seller |
Big name in outdoor gear |
Tex-Mex dish |
Alternative to 2% … with or without the shaded letter |
Hobbit foes |
One of the fire signs |
One-named singer with the 2000 hit "Only Time" |
Whoopee cushion, for one |
Luxury handbag initials |
On the briny |
Meh |
Scuffle |
Simpson with an I.Q. of 159 |
Streaming hiccups |
Soothing ingredient |
"Marvelous" TV character |
Water repellent? |
Place to practice martial arts |
Make a mistake while sitting down? |
It may be half of a blackjack … with or without the shaded letter |
Comedian Wong |
Modern lead-in to "-verse" |
Lawn trimmers |
N.B.A. Hall-of-Famer Bill |
Member of a string quartet |
"Doctor ___" |
Thor's mischievous brother |
Small stream |
"Seriously, though?!" |
Vision that's subject to interpretation |
___ dash |
Alien conveyances |
Sandwich on a sesame seed bun |
The Golden Bears of the N.C.A.A., familiarly |
"Gotcha" |
Mediterranean country with 8,500 miles of coastline |
Muppet that sings "Doin' the Pigeon" |
On a streak? |
Disney princess who can conjure ice |
Things that might be raised in court … with or without the shaded letter |
Not worth discussing |
Bajillions |
Airport near Olympia, informally |
Brand for which Garfield was once a "spokescat" |
Absolutely incredible |
Memo heading |
Nikkei 225 currency |
Trojan War hero |
Ridiculous display |
V.A. concern |
"Take me ___" |
Chardonnay, for one |
Word with shot or mold |
Gets out of Dodge |
Not just bad |
___ Island (location that's not really an island) |
Pharmacy amounts |
Playground retort |
Fruit of the Loom product featuring superhero themes |
___ Grissom, longtime "CSI" character |
Wearisome |
Dionysian party |
Sits around |
Guthrie who wrote "Alice's Restaurant" |
One of the Coen brothers |
Slightly |
Nimble |
Do for Billy Preston, once |
Quaff |
Ones ranking below cpls. |
Canadian gas brand |
Knee stabilizer, in brief |
"In like a lion, out like a ___" (March adage) |
Actress Vardalos |
Not feel great |
Moises of baseball fame |