'C'est la vie' |
'Don't drink and drive' ad, e.g |
'Don't worry about me!' |
'In other words ...' |
'Say Yes to the Dress' airer |
*Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray |
*Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev and Julius Lothar Meyer |
*Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton |
*Leo Szilard and Joseph Rotblat |
*Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan |
Actor Gibson |
Ages and ages |
An ever-increasing amount of an office workday, it seems |
Astronomer's aid |
Band aid? |
Big cheese in the Netherlands |
Blob on a slide |
Bring to the majors |
Camden Yards athlete |
Carnival setting, informally |
Class |
Concerning, to attorneys |
Congressional vote wrangler |
Countenance |
Director Browning of the original 'Dracula' |
Disney princess played in film by Emma Watson |
Drive home |
Dungeons & Dragons figure |
Eating the forbidden fruit, e.g |
Emulates a Disney princess |
Fails to mention |
Felix or Fritz |
Fishhook feature |
Friend to a Frenchman |
Garage jobs |
Google search results unit |
Heat setting |
How the fashionable are said to arrive |
In the style of |
It's found behind a temple |
Key also known as 'Option' |
L.A.P.D. alert |
Like margarita glasses |
Longtime Boston Celtics executive Danny |
Maytag alternative |
Newspaper strip |
Nigeria's biggest export |
Not very likely |
Notre Dame nooks |
Odd duck |
Papa's mate |
Piled carelessly |
Quaint farewells |
Radames's love, in opera |
Second-most common Korean surname, after Kim |
See 1-Across |
See 1-Across |
See 1-Across |
Sierra maker |
Smoke, for short |
Some college building dedicatees |
Stadium attendance |
System for the deaf, for short |
Take ___ (doze) |
Teammate of Babe on the 1920s Yankees |
Tear wiper |
The Goddess of Pop |
They go well with plaids |
Transport to a red carpet |
Venetian marketplace |
Very pixel-dense, as a TV picture |
Wage ___ of words |
When repeated, one of the Ramones |
Who said 'Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up' |
With 27-, 49- and 66-Across, phrase applicable to five innovations in this puzzle (as suggested by the starred clues) |
Word with Peace or press |
Worms and flies |
___-mo replay |