Welcome to the page with the answers to today's (July 4th 2019) clues of Mirror Quiz crossword.

Below is the list of all of today's clues (a total of 27 clues). Just click on a clue to get the answer.

2013 and 2014 Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe winner ridden by Thierry Jarnet
King of Corinth in Greek mythology condemned to push a heavy stone up a hill for eternity
Constellation containing stars Rigel and Betelgeuse
The —, 2013 film Western starring Johnny Depp and Arnie Hammer
Bitter white alkaloid responsible for the stimulant action of tea and coffee
System of weights used for precious metals and gemstones
Stanley —, FIFA president from 1961-74
Chiricahua Apache leader who died in 1909
Team game invented by James Naismith in 1891
City and port; capital of Finland until 1812
Greek philosopher born in 341 BC who authored treatise On Nature
Female of an ass or wren
1974 novel by Leslie Thomas
Any of a family of stringed instruments that preceded the violin
BBC TV drama series following the activities of anti-corruption police squad AC-12
Agile hoofed mammal of Africa and Asia such as the rock — or tree —
1970 novel by P G Wodehouse featuring characters Crispin Scrope and Vera Upshaw
Bird of prey also known as the fish hawk
Piece of music composed for a group of nine instruments or singers
See 1
Simon —, creator of sitcoms How Do You Want Me?, Is It Legal? and Hardware
Adrian —, English conductor who authored 1973 autobiography My Own Trumpet
Match of three games of bridge
See 3
Spiced and sweetened hot drink of port and lemon juice
See 5
Keye —, actor who played Master Po in 1970s US television Western series Kung Fu