Chucked into the sea? That's going too far! |
"Insulting a friend is wrong, senor," you put in |
Tie to the cat |
One or two people playing |
In danger, as a witch's life was, when there |
And, anyhow, shooting grouse is not without risk |
Take ill before appearing in and you stand in for |
Intend to sit for, to start with |
Also say I was brought in to be the villain |
Led onto the vessel, looked furious |
Call out "Rich has a gun!" |
Prepared the toast, say, to have in bed |
Make it, in your chosen career? |
The father I aim to make an ally of |
Lose the opportunity of taking a girl on a date |
Going round and being about to test-drive |
You may travel in one but not fast! |
A novice getting better all round at sport |
Does it say "Artificial Diamonds"? |
Without Doctor Andrew again |
Convinced there will be a nice package in the nice post |
What the merchants are squabbling about? |
Having arrived, proceeded to make oneself a cigarette? |
Because one's wrong about the time of year |
The singer in a local one has it in for |
On a restored Degas, remarks we've heard often before |
Gave the impression of a paper made over by the editor |
Juncture at which the losing player had some luck? |
Said how awful the ham was, cooked? |
Humanity needs time to cope with it |
Gives to the champion sow to demolish |
The outlandish quote, "The beast within," is upsetting |
Standing up to the woman is a different thing |
Hairdo that goes well with the tea-gown? |
I believe in having colour in the house |
Work out what's behind it all |
Proving to be fabricating it |
Rotten fish is served up |
It's recessed, which is a disappointment |
Contrive to find someone who understands things mechanical |
Treatment of the dog I mean to agitate about |
An article about fight losing for financial gain |
Spotted as it wandered back home |
The tension shows in the music |
Don't like taking notes before the exam |
Many a yarn has been spun on these islands |