On the subject of an increase once more |
Within a day made a wise move and it peters out |
Leave out of the article |
Rubbish! Get a stretcher! |
Becoming a medium, you say, takes time |
Showing everybody it’s lasting |
It may have sustained many a romance |
Go off to take the vehicle back – a motor vehicle |
As a master, my, he created havoc! |
An accelerator operated from the back seat |
Made certain it had been securely fastened |
Say the name on cue, for a change |
The mount backed before |
Get their mitts on the nest eggs! |
Brought nothing back to fill the gaps broken in the fences |
Gleaning, from their being huddled in a group |
Tender acknowledgement that you have winning ways |
Not having got set, is off the mark |
Haggle for a year to get the agreement |
The story of the comeback is a riot! |
Going round the fields is pure delight |
Don’t worry – haven’t been known to take amiss |
So question about me, to an extent |
No – back in the lead, running on the outside |
With “Am up”, use delaying tactics. Say “Don’t feel well” |
Again start to remove what’s blocking it? |
“Charmingly and efficiently”, the girl put in |
Hurry up and get that cartoon animated! |
Saves, somehow, an entrapped girl |
Deal with, direct |
Carry out, when through the questionnaire |
Absorbed, aim |
Assign a piece of land, say, to |
Getting cross is really foolish |
The nut that got caught, a prison holds captive |
Gets upset, too, when you rebuke |
Giving a hand to those being evacuated? |
A hundred is subtracted from the money, as a deposit |
The gaunt old crone you pull up beside |
Got back there to assemble with the others |
Sure it’s a yes? |
They wait in groups, standing outside the hospital room |
Well, this is an examination you won’t fail! |
Get all matted, but you have a brush |
Freelances and works as a char |
Type "I caught onto the curly tail" |