Drawing a box with a hole in it |
Creates an impact on, when one meets |
Parking in turn, as you drive off |
Make a getaway the time after, fast |
Forbear from, though it's a bit of a strain |
Waiting for an overhaul |
How one gets the dirt on one's shoes! |
He contends he knows something about boats |
Had pencilled in rain in the early morning |
The answer you gave the tax inspector |
Faithless? Don't you believe it! |
Be afraid to pack the globe in it and don't |
Many, I learn, ordered a soft drink |
While having the right to enter, though from outer space |
Connect with a number in that network |
Regard as something to have up your sleeve? |
Do some grooming again when in the coop |
Rip out almost all the face for her |
The clot is prepared to admit one to do some canvassing |
With "Tut, child!" make's one's entrance |
Steal back and we hide in the arbour |
Hit the ball with spin |
What makes you ask questions about the collector's item? |
Planning to import |
Is mother by way of being a wet blanket? |
Horse that's first back to its compartment |
Rest that leaves you full of beans? |
As usual, dressed as an army scout |
Is in a paper wrapper, they tell you |
What distinguished it from the other brushes? |
Up earlier than, to see the big tourist attraction |
Raised with difficulty, is thought the world of, we're told |
Breaking step, I again go outside for a rest |
What the "in" diners at the restaurant had? |
Are grounds for getting authorisation |
Once it is compounded with a poison |
What the cricketer called the blindfold? |
Cover that's very easy to slip on |
At first, compliment on the quality |
Delights in all the exclamations of surprise about it |
View of the president a particular group holds |
Praise from the hard-boiled? |
Certainly not liking "The Day After The Earthquake" |
And to assemble in the dining-room would be very silly |
Right through, count the customer |
She's a stick-in-the-mud |